Welcome 2022!

What a year that has gone by!

2021 was a roller coaster year of lockdowns, infections and heartaches.
Things were constantly changing as the pandemic takes different forms.

Here is a new start and new beginning.
As we start the new year of 2022, what are you plans?

Have you made your usual new year resolutions?

2022 will be different from previous years and especially 2021 that has
just gone pass. 2022 is going to give us new challenges and new hopes.

I have decided this year that I will not write any more new year resolutions
but instead to have a plan for the new year.

There will be a few projects that I will be working on and promoting for
my online business in 2022.

This will be my first project for 2022.

Over the next few months, I will be focusing my time and resources on
building my list and my team with this program.

Will you join me?

Click on the image to learn more or get started!

To your massive success,

Good Bye 2021

Good Bye 2021

If you think 2020 was bad, 2021 was not any better.

Many countries started the year with the pandemic and now at the end of the year there are
more people infected and the numbers keep rising.

This is usually the time for many people to write their resolutions for the new year but as we
all know in 2021 many of our resolutions go out the window as the pandemic grow rampant
around the world.

For me personally, I have decided to no longer write resolutions but draw a plan for the coming
year and work on that.

As I am retired and staying at home, I have decided to focus my time on a few projects in the
coming months and as the new year unfold I will share more.

However, for now as the year comes to an end, I have two great resources that my mentor
and sponsor have shared with me and I have set them up to use for my projects in 2022.

The first one is a fun new traffic exchange that I can use for free to get quality visitors to my site.
There is an optional lifetime upgrade to PRO for just ten dollars one time so that was a no-brainer.
If you would like to know more, check it out here.

The next one is something different as I plan to add some offline marketing. It is a system that
promotes my website by offering a marketing system to targeted leads.

There are postcard campaigns that you can use but more on that later as we get on our way.

Learn more or sign up at:

Check them out. 

Get on board with me if you would like to join me in using them. I will work with you if needed.

To your massive success in 2022,

2020 – What a year?

For many, 2020 is a year that many wanted to get it over quickly as it has brought heartaches and sadness with the loss of loved ones and many infected with the virus.

2020 started as normal as it can be with many predicting that it would be a great year. However, we all know since the end of the first quarter, the pandemic struck and took control of all corners of the earth. Many countries went into lockdown starting in the second quarter of 2020.

Here in New Zealand, we could be considered a little lucky as we may be affected as everyone else in the world with the pandemic. However, with strict measures and restrictions imposed by the authorities, we were lucky that the numbers infected and the death tolls were low.

Today, as we come to the close of 2020 in a few hours times ahead of many other countries, we have the luxury to celebrate with end of year’s party and festivals around the country.

As we draw to the close of 2020 and move into 2021, many people have lost their jobs, their homes and their loved ones during this past months.

What are your plans for 2021?

What will the new year bring for you?

Are you setup to face 2021 if there is another lockdown or you lose your job?

In the past few weeks, I have been following and got involved with a group that have put together a Wealth Building Plan with Free Coaching aptly titled STEP TO WEALTH.

If you are looking back at 2020 and would like to know more of what you can accomplish in 2021, take a look at STEP TO WEALTH by clicking on the banner here for more information.

To your massive success,

Traffic Leads 2 Income VM

So, What is Traffic Leads 2 Income VM (TL2IVM)?

Traffic Leads 2 Income VM is more than just a viral mailer. To me, TL2IVM is a training platform that helps new internet marketers like myself and others learn through the 7 steps Massive Success System on how to setup a funnel and market the funnel.

The 7 Steps Massive Success System starts by explaining how to setup your profile so you can brand yourself as well as provide information for others to connect and reach you. After all, we are all network marketers. As Rob Gehring, owner of TL2IVM have said, Ïf we are network marketers, our task is to connect and network with others’.  That is how our business should be conducted.

Going through the 7 Steps Massive Success System, we learn to brand ourselves, setup our profile, setup the autoresponder, build the lead capture page, setup the downline builder and promote through safelist advertising.

As we learn going through the 7 Steps Massive Success System, we learn to become better network marketers and also with the help and guidance of the mentors and coaches at TL2IVM, we avoid some of the pitfalls and issues that we may encounter if we go on it alone.

If you are not a member of TL2IVM, why not join us today and find out how it can help you achieve your goals and dreams through internet marketing.

To your marketing success,

2019 is nearly over

Today, as we stand on the threshold of the last day of the year, we are also reminded that today is also the last day of the decade. As we reflect on 2019, we are also reminded of what has happened in 2019. We cannot change what has happened but we can learn from the events that unfolded in 2019 and moved on determined to make 2020 a better year than 2019.

What has 2019 meant for you? I know there have been regrets and moments where I felt that I could have done better. It does not matter anymore as 2019 is water under the bridge. We need to move on from here.

As we stand at the threshold of a new year and a new decade, what are we going to do?

For me, today is a time of reflection and planning of what I want to achieve in 2020. I have plans to spend more time developing my online business, which I have neglected quite a fair bit in 2019 due to health and other things going on in life.

Recently, I read this e-book entitled 1SignupADaysTRATEGY and it opened my mind to what I will be doing in 2020. I will be working on getting one signup a day.

If you are interested in knowing how to get one signup a day, you can get a free copy here without opting in or signing up for anything. Just click on the link here to download a copy or read it online.

To your success,

Affiliate Marketing?

This is what many people are searching online everyday and if you put “affiliate marketing” in google, you are going to find hundred of millions of results.

So what exactly is “affiliate marketing”?

According to wikipedia, “Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing effort.”

Why am I telling you this?

If you are looking to build a business online, the easiest route to success is probably to be an affiliate marketer. You are probably thinking why would you do that. The reason is that unless you have your own ready made product and a system all set up, it would probably take you a few months to set it all up.

So, you are thinking which affiliate program would be right for you.

I hope in my upcoming posts I will share with you my thoughts and what I am doing.

Until then, my best for your success,